
JP/Politikens Media Group

NORD 55° is based at JP/Politikens Media Group, more precisely in the Politikens Hus building located at the Town Hall Square in Copenhagen. This is also where our secretariat is based. The newspaper Politiken was founded in 1884. The newspaper played a central role in Denmark’s golden era in the late 1800s, at which time Copenhagen became a cultural melting pot. It was during these years that Danish literary critic Georg Brandes held his famous lectures titled “Main Currents in 19th-century Literature”, with the opening words: “problems must be debated”. This call for debate resonated with thinkers throughout the Nordic countries. Brandes’ brother, Edvard Brandes, was the editor-in-chief of Politiken, and the cosmopolitan brothers played a significant role in establishing Copenhagen as the culture metropolis of the Nordic region the 1880s. They paved the way for “the modern breakthrough”. Many great thinkers and writers flocked to Copenhagen from the other Nordic countries, and Copenhagen became the centre of a new, vibrant Nordic consciousness.

Today, Politiken is part of one of Denmark’s leading media organisations JP/Politikens Media Group, which includes a large number of news media, weekly papers and niche media. In addition to the two Danish newspapers Ekstra Bladet and Jyllands-Posten, the media group also has several publishing and media activities in Norway, Sweden, Germany and the UK. Through its journalism, debate and literature activities, JP/Politikens Media Group strives to provide the public with facts and knowledge, thereby enabling them to participate actively in a democratic society.

NORD 55° also includes major media groups in other Nordic countries. We aim to establish a broad Nordic community of media groups, so that NORD 55° can span the entire Nordic region. Through partnerships anchored in the Nordic countries, individual partners will contribute with unique competences and perspectives.

The media partners will play a vital role as disseminators of the content produced during the annual NORD 55° summit. The media groups will also be instrumental in realising the project’s ambition: that we in the Nordic region become familiar with leading thinkers in all the Nordic countries. The time is ripe to strengthen media distribution across the Nordic region and to finally bring to life the ambitions of all the similar initiatives that have been in the making for years but never been realised.

The fact that media groups from across the Nordic region are involved in our project demonstrates that there is increasing cross-border collaboration – and that the media groups often work together and enter into shared partnerships. Media groups are also facing some of the same structural changes in media market. One example of such a change is generative AI, the emergence and spread of which will have great consequences for the media and culture scene in the Nordic countries in the years to come.

In response to these changes, NORD 55° will spotlight the transformation and the potential and far-reaching consequences generative AI is expected to have on the region’s media and culture scene.

Among other things, NORD 55° will focus on how these technologies impact small language areas and how they will shape and challenge the Nordic languages and cultural values. We will also examine what strategies the Nordic countries can apply to counter the challenges of generative AI, how to make the most of the opportunities it brings, and whether there is a need for joint Nordic projects on language technology.



Amedia has played an important role in the history of Norwegian newspaper publishing and distribution. The many Amedia newspapers represent very different political positions. Consequently, they have had a significant impact on the public debate since the nineteenth century, and have actively contributed to creating the Norwegian society we know today.

Amedia is a foundation-owned media group and Norway’s largest publisher of editorial media. Every day, their media reaches more than two million readers through more than 100 local, regional and national titles.

Amedia has more than 1,100 editorial staff across the country, and they keep their readers constantly updated on the latest news, debate, sports and entertainment. Amedia is also co-owner of 55 local and regional newspapers in Sweden through a partnership with Bonnier News Local. Amedia has an extensive printing and distribution business. The group has more than 2,100 employees.


Bonnier News

Bonnier’s story began in Denmark when Gerhard Bonnier moved to Copenhagen from Dresden to open a bookshop in 1804. His son, Albert Bonnier, moved from Copenhagen to Stockholm and started his own publishing house Albert Bonnier Förlag when he was 17 years old. Today, Albert Bonnier Forlag is Sweden’s largest publishing house.

Bonnier News is Sweden’s leading news provider and has more than 8,000 employees, of whom 2,000 are journalists. The group, which today comprises six different business areas, has its core in the daily newspapers Dagens Nyheter, Expressen and Dagens industri. As the Nordic region’s leading media company, Bonnier’s mission is to help citizens and organizations function in a democratic society, to ensure their journalists report, investigate and explain the issues of today, and to inspire and create business through meetings, products and services.